Monday, January 11, 2010

Small change, big effect

I have asked myself about what I should do to improve and contribute to this life. Ones created very cool stuffs for the daily life. Walkman helped me enjoy with my favorite music and improve my foreign languages skill. iPod can do the same role as Walkman but in a more clever and stylist way. Google helps me open my mind with the world. Many and many things like that are created day by day.

Wow, what I can do? I thought by myself, searched for ideas and dreamt so much. I wanna make some things similar but better than Google. I wanna make some things similar but smarter than ipod or iphone. I really wanna do some special things for this world. But... nothing happen. Dreams still are dreams. Good ideas yesterday are treated as nonsense stuffs by myself some days later. What is wrong with me? I am aging day by day but I can not contribute any valuable stuffs for this life. That thinking disappointed me! I was sad and lost my confidence.

Fortunately, my memory brings me an encourage message. "Be you. You are playing a good role in this world. Do you still remember the story of rising a bar in Honda that you've ever read? Please keep rising your own bar by your way"

Rising the bar? Well. This is the hint. Do not give up your goal of contributing much to this world but you should implement that dream step by step. Each level of the bar will bring you close to the goal. Keep doing so, very time and every day. Today you rise a little. Tomorrow, another little and the day after tomorrow a little bit more. Keep doing so you may reach the goal someday in a naturally way.

Keep rising the bar anytime and anywhere you are!

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